Saturday, March 15, 2014

God Made - Free

Decided to take the minute off from the world, breathe consciously and I could feel the tears roll by. Thanks

Rules and Straight Lines

A story needs start .. mid part and an ending. .. That need to have twists. . Characters.. Scene setting.. The story writer needs to hold the audience's attention and some of them make one think after completion too.  ! Boundaries, Rules, Regulations.. like a Dam.. Useful May be.. 

Poet expresses.. Butterflies R  free!. No boundaries. R Butterflies Free? Question keeps lingering

In a city where the layout is exactly the same. . straight roads parallel and perpendicular with circles to turn around. Monotony kills.  Rules and Straight lines.. Imagining how life would be if everything is so predictable and it is like a set menu doled out day after day.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Expressions - R we in Sync

When one expresses a feel, an emotion, an idea, a thought..  looks like the receiver if not in the same frame of mind and wave length, will miss that out completely. To my little mind, are we in sync with expression of God.. A trillion + expressions, air, fire, earth, growth, weather, human, living & dead, materialistic and non materialistic like the mind & soul....