Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Throw

My daughter came 1st in shot put in her school. She doesn't look that strong by any physical appearance, in fact small frame and from some angle looks puny. Asked her How could you do this and I could see some of them who looked stronger. She quietly told me, there is more to the throw, it is just not physical alone.. Ya I told myself .. it applies to all.. not just physical. May be everything in life is a combination. The mind is not physical.. it controls.. thoughts which come from outside, .. the part other than what exists on the surface, exists.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

That's U

Last Sunday was a day when I ever in my life understood what THAT means. I became that, I dont want to use all caps and make a vulgarity out of the super that, neither I would like to cage it within double quotes and suffer. How is it to stay awake and yet get lost in where you dont remember most of the day. End of the day energy level is so high, u could do it again and again. Oh my love, I saw the moon , the clouds, earth, rain, sun, music, heard the silence, and no big deal to some one who has not tried painting not being a good painter, some one who attempted to sing and is not a trained singer. It is very naked. Try it, I preach, He said roll , I rolled, He said be with yourself I dropped my mind. I dont have to think. When you are that you dont do anything, everything happens. He .. Who? Certain treasures are hidden. Deep, so deep He becomes U.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Attachment - Is it Good or Bad

My friend kept feeding a calf on her neighbours little farm regularly and looking forward to that everyday. May be getting attached to the little one where the calf used to run towards her as she goes everyday with bananas to feed the littleone. Gave a nice name Sweetie to the calf and enjoyed every moment. .. I teased her saying it is the Bannana conditioning, she avoided even such friendly teasing and her eyes said NO, dont even mention that and believed the calf had a special place in its hear for her. Last couple of days the calf wasnt' there and on last Monday she realized that the owner of that calf sold it off and did not know who bought it. Oh Man, I was even worried when she described this and told myself she should'nt get any further emotional on this issue. Now she starts searching for the calf taking hints from every point of this transaction and find the calf couple of miles away where it was about to be to taken to a distance farm miles away and the trader was collecting all of them for a shipment to happen. The way she explained the joy, tears would roll out of any human. She buys the calf back & as there is no definite physical place in her house hands it over to the old owner and says "keep it and please allow me to visit my sweetie daily".

Are attachments Good or Bad. Emotionally liking somebody or something is very different from attachment.
By assigning "good or bad" to something, I perceive that I am creating an attachment to it and thereby perpetuating the conditions that lead to suffering. Comment ..

Friday, August 1, 2008

Joy & Happy

Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy.,,,, Happy Happy Happy Happy ... Keep on saying this, need not be aloud. Within yourself. whenever you get to remember this. keep it going,,, Lot of fun. Without you realizing you will gently smile